Spider Giant 25-30cm

Product Code: 8655
Minimum Order: 1 No.
Current Stock: 32.000 No.

Quantity: No.
£ 17.60 total
Price shown per shell

Shell Size: 25-30cm

Description & Application:
Large species of spider conch, popular feature for interior design and window dressing.

"Spiders" are part of the conch family which are salt water snails that vary in size from small to very large.

Most species live on warm sandy bottoms in tropical waters in Indo-Pacific Oceans, and many are economically important as food sources.

The animal inside the shell is eaten, either raw like oysters, steamed or stir fried.

Conch Shells in History: In Mayan art large conches were used as paint and ink holders for scribes, as bugles and hand weapons.

Classification: Lambis Truncata Lightfoot
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