Murex Venus Comb - Standard 10-12.5cm

Product Code: 8229
Minimum Order: 1 No.
Current Stock: 166.000 No.

Quantity: No.
£ 5.80 total
{sth}Stunningly intricate, pure white specimen shells, specially selected from approved sources for interior decoration, window dressing and photographic work.
Price shown per shell:

Shell size: Length 10-12.5cm

Description & Application:
Stunningly intricate, pure white specimen shells, specially selected from approved sources for interior decoration, window dressing and photographic work.

Background : Murex is the name given to a group of medium to large sized carnivorous tropical sea snails. Many of the species are found in Indo-Pacific waters, however, this shell is unique due to its array of spines. The spines provide protection from predators, and prevent the snail from sinking into soft mud.

Murex in History: These shells were used as natural combs by the ancient Greeks.

Classification Murex pecten Lightfoot
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